Thursday, July 29, 2010

Forbes: Shi Yuzhu's "giant class" listing

Lead: As the giant network of public soon, "Forbes" website that the author describes the company's founder, CEO Shi Yuzhu.

Shi Yuzhu, a highly respected programmers in China, experienced a new economic era in China almost all the ups and downs.浠栦粖骞?5宀侊紝鏃╁湪1995骞村氨渚濇墭涓枃杞欢鍜岀‖浠惰繘鍏ヤ簡绂忓竷鏂腑鍥藉瘜璞銆?However, real estate and health care products into the market failures, he also became the loser in history of Chinese business representatives.

Shi Yuzhu IT industry back in 2004, and was created by virtue of their journey online game service provider networks with great success.鍥犳锛屼粬涔熸垚涓轰簡涓浗鏈?叿浼犲鑹插僵锛屽悓鏃朵篃鏄渶闅句互棰勬祴鐨勪紒涓氬涔嬩竴銆?Journey network operator's network game includes a number of unusual elements in a certain sense, these games are tailored for adults, not for the traditional core gamers - young people. At the same time, a bold journey networks, anti-traditional marketing and advertising are also sensitive to the Chinese audience to bring no small impact.

Earlier this month, the holding company for the journey networking giant network to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for an initial public offering (IPO) prospectus, plans to go to the New York Stock Exchange.鍦ㄦ涔嬪墠锛屽法浜虹綉缁滅殑涓昏绔炰簤瀵规墜锛屽寘鎷洓澶с?缃戞槗鍜屼節鍩庨兘閫夋嫨浜嗙撼鏂揪鍏嬨? In the giant network prospectus, contains many colorful pictures. Even companies outside of China, this design also are bold move, but consistent with Shi Yuzhu style.宸ㄤ汉缃戠粶鐨処PO鎵块攢鍟嗕负缇庢灄閾惰鍜岀憺閾堕泦鍥紝涓氬唴浜哄+棰勮锛岃鍏徃鐨処PO铻嶈祫瑙勬ā绾﹀湪1浜跨編鍏冨埌4浜跨編鍏冧箣闂淬?

銆??鍒涘缓涓嶅埌涓夊勾鏃堕棿锛屽法浜虹綉缁滃氨鍙戝睍鎴愪负涓浗绗簲澶х綉缁滄父鎴忔彁渚涘晢銆?China's online game market has reached an annual output value of 815 million U.S. dollars, the future is expected to continue rapid growth. For Giant, the "journey Online" is a network of its most important game. According to market research firm IDC released data, "journey Online" is the most popular 2006 online games, but this is only the first year of its commercial use.

In 1991, Shi Yuzhu giant high-tech group in Zhuhai was established and began to build a giant 38-story building. As the hot-headed, he repeatedly modify the design of the giant building, floor level jumped from 38 to 70 layers, known as China's tallest building at that time, the funds required more than one billion yuan. As the giant buildings would eventually end in failure, Zhuhai Giant Group is also high because of massive debts rather fell apart.铏界劧閬亣閲嶅ぇ鎸姌锛屼絾鍙茬帀鏌变粛鐒舵妸鎻′綇浜嗕腑鍥界鎶?涓氳暣钘忕殑宸ㄥぇ鍟嗘満锛屽苟渚濋潬椋為?鍙戝睍鐨勭綉缁滄父鎴忚?鈥滃捀楸肩炕鐢熲?銆?br />
Shi Yuzhu 1984, graduated from Zhejiang University, January 1989, Shenzhen Graduate graduated from the University of Soft Management.


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